Reviews, General Discussions, and Conference Proceedings, Astrophysics 2010-2019

99. “Summary,” Ostriker, Jeremiah, Galaxy clusters: Observations, Physics and Cosmology, Proceedings of the conference held 26-30 July, 2010 in Garching bei München, Germany. Published online at, id.65 (07/2010).
100. “Structural evolution of massive early-type galaxies,” Ludwig Oser, Thorsten Naab, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Peter H. Johansson. The Intriguing Life of Massive Galaxies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union,, IAU Symposium, Volume 295, pp. 204-207, 07/2013.

101. “How to form massive close binaries - a review of ideas. The fission hypothesis revisited,” Hans Zinnecker, Jeremiah Ostriker, Rhodes massive star conference June 10, 2013; online at, id.33.