21. "Elliptical Galaxies are NOT made by Merging Spiral Galaxies," Comments on Astrophysics, Vol. VIII, No. 6, 177-180 (1980).
22. "Galaxy Formation in a Violent Universe," in X-Ray Astronomy with Einstein Satellite, ed. R. Giacconi (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 311-324 (1981).
23. "Supernovae and the Formation of Galaxies," in Supernova: A Survey of Current Research, ed. M. J. Rees and R. J. Stoneham (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 565-570 (1982).
24. "Galaxy Formation," in Astrophysical Cosmology, ed. H. A. Bruck, G. V. coyne and M. S. Longair, Pontificae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia, pp. 473-494 (1982).
25. "A Model for the Galaxy with Rising Rotational Velocity" (with J. A. R. Caldwell), in Kinematics, Dynamics and Structure of the Milky Way, ed. W. L. H. Shuter (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 249-257 (1983).
26. "High Energy Spectrum of Spherically Accreting Black Holes" (with P. Meszaros), in Electron Positron Pairs in Astrophysics, ed. M. L. Burns et al. (Amer. Inst. of Physics: New York), pp. 348-352 (1983).
27. "The Milky Way: Summary and Outlook," in The Milky Way Galaxy (IAU Symposium #106), ed. H. van Woerden et al., (Reidel: Dordrecht) pp. 635-639 (1985).
28. "Explosive Galaxy Formation: Effect on the Microwave Background" (with E. Vishniac), Cosmic Background Radiation and Fundamental Physics, Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1, 137-150 (1985).
29. "Some Summary Remarks on IAU Symposium #113," Dynamics of Star Clusters, eds. J. Goodman and P. Hut (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 511-520, 1985.
30. "Galaxy Distances and Deviations from the Hubble Flow; Summary Remarks," paper presented at NATO Workshop on Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion(Kona, HI, Jan. 1986), ed. B.F. Madore and R.B. Tully (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 283-289, (1986).
31. "Mass Determinations and Dark Matter at Intermediate Scales," IAU Symposium #117; Dark Matter in the Universe, ed. J. Kormendy and G.R. Knapp (Reidel: Dordrecht)(Princeton 1986), pp. 85-93 (1987).
32. "Cosmological Shells and Blastwaves," Conference on Galaxy Distances and Deviations from the Hubble Flow (Kona, HI, January 1986), ed. B.F. Madore and R.B. Tully (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 273-278 (1986).
33. "Large Scale Calculations of Core Oscillations in Globular Clusters" (with H. Cohn, M.W. Wise, T.S. Yoon, T.S. Statler, and P. Hut) in The Use of Supercomputers in Stellar Dynamics, ed. P. Hut and S. McMillan (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), pp. 205-210 (1986).
34. "Evolution of Globular Clusters with Tidally-Captured Binaries through Core Collapse" (with T.S. Statler and H.N. Cohn), IAU Symposium #126; The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies, eds. J.E. Grindlay and A.G.D. Philip (Reidel:Dordrecht), pp. 667-668 (1988).
35. "The Evolution of the System of Globular Clusters" IAU Symposium #126; The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies, eds. J.E. Grindlay and A.G.D. Philip (Reidel:Dordrecht), pp. 271-281 (1988).
36. "I. Evolution of Globular Clusters and the Globular Cluster System" (with C. Thompson), Dark Matter in the Universe, Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, eds. J. Bahcall, T. Piran and S. Weinberg (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 69-89 (1988).
37. "II. Positive Energy Perturbations in Cosmology (with C. Thompson), Dark Matter in the Universe, Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, eds. J. Bahcall, T. Piran and S. Weinberg (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 90-102 (1988).
38. "QSO Absorption Lines and the Universe at Redshifts between 1 and 4" in QSO Absorption Lines: Probing the Universe, eds. C. Blades, D.A. Turnshek and C.A. Norman (Cambridge University Press), pp. 319-330 (1988).
39. "Explosive Origins of Large-Scale Structures," IAU Symposium #130, Evolution of the Large-Scale Structures in the Universe, ed. J. Audouze (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 321-329 (1988).
40. "Lectures on the Intergalactic Medium: Its Relation to Quasars, Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structure," in Origin, Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, Proceedings of the Yellow Mountain Summer School of Astrophysics, ed. Fang Li Zhi (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 171-226 (1988).
41. "Is Gravitational Lensing Important for BL Lac Objects?" in Lecture Notes in Physics, Proceedings of the Workshop BL Lac Objects, eds. L. Maraschi, T. Maccacaro and U.H. Ulrich (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), pp. 420-430 (1989).
42. "Zeldovich-Sunyaev Distortions from a Shock Heated IGM" (with J. Miralda-Escude), in proceedings of conference The Cosmic Microwave Background, June 1989.
22. "Galaxy Formation in a Violent Universe," in X-Ray Astronomy with Einstein Satellite, ed. R. Giacconi (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 311-324 (1981).
23. "Supernovae and the Formation of Galaxies," in Supernova: A Survey of Current Research, ed. M. J. Rees and R. J. Stoneham (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 565-570 (1982).
24. "Galaxy Formation," in Astrophysical Cosmology, ed. H. A. Bruck, G. V. coyne and M. S. Longair, Pontificae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia, pp. 473-494 (1982).
25. "A Model for the Galaxy with Rising Rotational Velocity" (with J. A. R. Caldwell), in Kinematics, Dynamics and Structure of the Milky Way, ed. W. L. H. Shuter (D. Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 249-257 (1983).
26. "High Energy Spectrum of Spherically Accreting Black Holes" (with P. Meszaros), in Electron Positron Pairs in Astrophysics, ed. M. L. Burns et al. (Amer. Inst. of Physics: New York), pp. 348-352 (1983).
27. "The Milky Way: Summary and Outlook," in The Milky Way Galaxy (IAU Symposium #106), ed. H. van Woerden et al., (Reidel: Dordrecht) pp. 635-639 (1985).
28. "Explosive Galaxy Formation: Effect on the Microwave Background" (with E. Vishniac), Cosmic Background Radiation and Fundamental Physics, Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1, 137-150 (1985).
29. "Some Summary Remarks on IAU Symposium #113," Dynamics of Star Clusters, eds. J. Goodman and P. Hut (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 511-520, 1985.
30. "Galaxy Distances and Deviations from the Hubble Flow; Summary Remarks," paper presented at NATO Workshop on Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion(Kona, HI, Jan. 1986), ed. B.F. Madore and R.B. Tully (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 283-289, (1986).
31. "Mass Determinations and Dark Matter at Intermediate Scales," IAU Symposium #117; Dark Matter in the Universe, ed. J. Kormendy and G.R. Knapp (Reidel: Dordrecht)(Princeton 1986), pp. 85-93 (1987).
32. "Cosmological Shells and Blastwaves," Conference on Galaxy Distances and Deviations from the Hubble Flow (Kona, HI, January 1986), ed. B.F. Madore and R.B. Tully (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 273-278 (1986).
33. "Large Scale Calculations of Core Oscillations in Globular Clusters" (with H. Cohn, M.W. Wise, T.S. Yoon, T.S. Statler, and P. Hut) in The Use of Supercomputers in Stellar Dynamics, ed. P. Hut and S. McMillan (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), pp. 205-210 (1986).
34. "Evolution of Globular Clusters with Tidally-Captured Binaries through Core Collapse" (with T.S. Statler and H.N. Cohn), IAU Symposium #126; The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies, eds. J.E. Grindlay and A.G.D. Philip (Reidel:Dordrecht), pp. 667-668 (1988).
35. "The Evolution of the System of Globular Clusters" IAU Symposium #126; The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies, eds. J.E. Grindlay and A.G.D. Philip (Reidel:Dordrecht), pp. 271-281 (1988).
36. "I. Evolution of Globular Clusters and the Globular Cluster System" (with C. Thompson), Dark Matter in the Universe, Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, eds. J. Bahcall, T. Piran and S. Weinberg (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 69-89 (1988).
37. "II. Positive Energy Perturbations in Cosmology (with C. Thompson), Dark Matter in the Universe, Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, eds. J. Bahcall, T. Piran and S. Weinberg (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 90-102 (1988).
38. "QSO Absorption Lines and the Universe at Redshifts between 1 and 4" in QSO Absorption Lines: Probing the Universe, eds. C. Blades, D.A. Turnshek and C.A. Norman (Cambridge University Press), pp. 319-330 (1988).
39. "Explosive Origins of Large-Scale Structures," IAU Symposium #130, Evolution of the Large-Scale Structures in the Universe, ed. J. Audouze (Reidel: Dordrecht), pp. 321-329 (1988).
40. "Lectures on the Intergalactic Medium: Its Relation to Quasars, Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structure," in Origin, Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, Proceedings of the Yellow Mountain Summer School of Astrophysics, ed. Fang Li Zhi (World Scientific: Singapore), pp. 171-226 (1988).
41. "Is Gravitational Lensing Important for BL Lac Objects?" in Lecture Notes in Physics, Proceedings of the Workshop BL Lac Objects, eds. L. Maraschi, T. Maccacaro and U.H. Ulrich (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), pp. 420-430 (1989).
42. "Zeldovich-Sunyaev Distortions from a Shock Heated IGM" (with J. Miralda-Escude), in proceedings of conference The Cosmic Microwave Background, June 1989.