24. "Sur La Stabilite Seculaire des Polytropes en Equilibre Relatif" (with J. L. Tassoul), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4, 423-427 (1970).
25. "On the Nature of Pulsars. I. Theory" (with J. E. Gunn), Astrophysical Journal, 157, 1395-1417 (1969).
26. "The Acceleration of High Energy Cosmic Rays by Pulsars," Proc. XIth International Conference on Cosmic Rays, (Budapest, 1969) published Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29 Suppl., 69-78 (1970).
27. "Fission Hypotheses and the Origin of Binary Stars," in Stellar Rotation, ed. A. Slettebak (D. Reidel: Dordrecht, Holland), pp. 147-156 (1970).
28. "On the Nature of Pulsars. III. Analysis of Observations" (with J. E. Gunn), Astrophysical Journal, 160, 979-1003 (1970).
29. "Runaway Stars and the Pulsars Near the Crab Nebula" (with J. R. Gott and J. E. Gunn), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 160, L91-L98 (1970).
30. "Rapidly rotating Stars. VI. Pre-Main Sequence Evolution of Massive Stars" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 161, 1101-1114 (1970).
31. "Some Observable Consequences of Accretion by Defunct Pulsars" (with M. Rees and J. Silk), Astrophysical Letters, 6, 179-184 (1970).
32. "On the Motion and Radiation of Charged Particles in Strong Electromagnetic Waves. I. Motion in Plane and Spherical Waves" (with J. E. Gunn), Astrophysical Journal, 165, 523-541 (1971).
33. "Do Pulsars Make Supernovae?" (with J. E. Gunn), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 164, L95-L104 (1971).
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34. "A Magnetic Dipole Model for the Crab Explosion," in The Crab Nebula, ed. J. G. Davies and F. G. Smith (D. Reidel: Dordrecht, Holland), pp. 392-393 (1971).
35. "The Coherent Acceleration of Cosmic Rays" (with J. E. Gunn and R. M. Kulsrud), Physical Review Letters, 28, 636-639 (1972).
36. "Runaway Stars in the Gum Nebula" (with J. R. Gott, III), Proceedings of Conference on the Gum Nebula and Related Problems, ed. S. P. Maran, J. C. Brandt, T. P. Stecher, (Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, May, 1971) pp. 42-55 (1973).
37. "A Note on Mass Loss During Collisions between Galaxies and the Formation of Giant Systems" (with J. S. Gallagher), Astronomical Journal, 77, 288-291 (1972).
38. "Rapidly Rotating Stars, VIII. Zero-Viscosity Polytropic Sequences" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 180, 159-170 (1973).
39. "On the Oscillations and Stability of Rapidly Rotating Stars. III. Zero Viscosity Polytropic Sequences" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 180, 171-180 (1973).
40. "Some Remarks about the X-Rays from h Carinae" (with K. Davidson), Nature, 236, 46-47 (1972).
41. "On the Evolution of Globular Clusters" (with L. Spitzer and R. A. Chevalier), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 176, L51-L56 (1972).
42. "On the Critical Luminosity and Boundary Conditions for Stellar Envelopes" (with E. E. Salpeter and P. Joss), Astrophysical Journal, 181, 429-438 (1973).
43. "Neutron Star Accretion in a Stellar Wind - Model for a Pulsed X-Ray Source" (with K. Davidson), Astrophysical Journal, 179, 585-598 (1973).
44. "Radio Halos Around Old Pulsars - Ghost Supernova Remnants" (with R. Blandford, F. Pacini and M. Rees), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 145-156 (1973).
45. "Winds and X-Rays from Clusters of Galaxies" (with A. Yahil), Astrophysical Journal, 185, 787-796 (1973).
46. "Dust Cooling of Hot Gas" (with J. Silk), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 184, L113 (1973).
47. "A Numerical Study of the Stability of Flattened Galaxies: or, Can Cold Galaxies Survive?" (with P. J. Peebles), Astrophysical Journal, 186, 467-480 (1973).
48. "Deuterium Abundance in Young Stars" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 184, L15-L18 (1973).
49. "Nuclear Fusion in Accreting Neutron Stars" (with M. N. rosenbluth, M. Ruderman, F. Dyson, J. N. Bahcall and J. Shaham), Astrophysical Journal, 184, 907-910 (1973).
50. "The Luminosity Function of Galactic X-Ray Sources: A Cut-Off and a 'Standard Candle'?" (with B. Margon), Astrophysical Journal, 186, 91-96 (1973).
51. "Do Pulsars Make Supernovae? II. Calculations of Light Curves of Type II Events" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 191, 465-472 (1974).
52. "The Nature of Cygnus X-3: A Prototype for Old Population Binary X-Ray Sources" (with A. Davidsen), Astrophysical Journal, 189, 331-338 (1974).
53. "The Accuracy of the Mass Determination of Non-Pulsating Binary X-Ray Sources" (with E. P. J. van den Heuvel), Nature Physical Science, 245, 99 (1973).
54. "On the Numbers, Birth Rates, and Final States of Moderate and High Mass Stars" (with D. O. Richstone and T. X. Thuan), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 188, L87-L89 (1974).
55. "Gravitational Radiation from Stellar Collapse" (with T. X. Thuan), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 191, L105-L108 (1974).
56. "The 71-Sec Variation of DQ Herculis" (with W. Herbst and J. E. Hesser), Astrophysical Journal, 193, 679-688 (1974).
57. "The Size and Mass of Galaxies, and the Mass of the Universe" (with P. J. E. Peebles and A. Yahil), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 193, L1-L4 (1974).
58. "A Multiple Pulsar Model for Quasi-Stellar Objects and Active Galactic Nuclei" (with J. Arons and R. Kulsrud), Astrophysical Journal, 198, 687-708 (1975).
59. "The Formation of Galactic Nuclei" (with S. Tremaine and L. Spitzer), Astrophysical Journal, 196, 407-412 (1975).
60. "Galactic Evolution: I. Single Zone Models" (with T. X. Thuan and M. H. Hart), Astrophysical Journal, 201, 756-772 (1975).
61. "Galactic Evolution: II. Disc Galaxies with Massive Halos" (with T. X. Thuan), Astrophysical Journal, 202, 353-364 (1975).
62. "Explosive Events in the Early Universe" (with J. Schwarz and A. Yahil), Astrophysical Journal, 202, 1-6 (1975).
63. "Massive Black Holes in Globular Clusters?" (with J. Bahcall), Nature Physical Science, 256, 23 (1975).
64. "Is Deuterium of Cosmological or of Galactic Origin?" (with B. Tinsley), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 201, L51-L54 (1975).
65. "Another Evolutionary Correction to the Luminosity of Giant Galaxies" (with S. D. Tremaine), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 202, L113-L117 (1975).
66. "X-Ray Pulses from Globular Clusters" (with J. N. Bahcall), Nature Physical Science, 262, 37-38 (1976). II: 5
67. "The Development of Compact Dust Bounded H II Regions. I. Their Relation to Infrared Objects and Maser Sources" (with W. D. Cochran), Astrophysical Journal, 211, 392-399 (1977).
68. "A New Luminosity Limit for Spherical Accretion onto Compact X-Ray Sources" (with R. McCray, R. Weaver and A. Yahil), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 208, L61-L65 (1976).
69. "Cooling, Dynamics and Fragmentation of Massive Gas Clouds: Clues to the Masses and Radii of Galaxies and Clusters (with M. J. Rees), Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society, 179, 541-559 (1977).
70. "The Mass-to-Light Ratio of Late type Binary Galaxies: Luminosity vs. Number Weighted Averages" (with E. L. Turner), Astrophysical Journal, 217, 24-26 (1977).
71. "A Theory of the Interstellar Medium: Three Components Regulated by Supernova Explosions in an Inhomogeneous Substrate" (with C. F. McKee), Astrophysical Journal, 218, 148-169 (1977).
72. "Cannibalism Among the Galaxies: Dynamically Produced Evolution of Cluster Luminosity Functions" (with M. A. Hausman), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 217, L125-L130 (1977).
73. "The Acceleration of High Velocity Clouds in Supernova Remnants" (with C. F. McKee and L. L. Cowie), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 219, L23-L28 (1978).
74. "Binaries in Open Clusters: The Effect of Rotation on Determinations of Frequency and Mass Ratio" (with V. L. Trimble), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 63, 433-438 (1978).
75. "Double Core Evolution. I. A 16-Solar Mass Star with a 1-Solar Mass Neutron-Star Companion" (with R. E. Taam and P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 222, 269-280 (1978).
76. "Particle Acceleration by Astrophysical Shocks" (with R. Blandford), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 221, L29-L32 (1978).
77. "Galactic Cannibalism III: The Morphological Evolution of Galaxies and Clusters" (with M. Hausman), Astrophysical Journal, 224, 320-336 (1978).
78. "Time Dependent Spherically Symmetric Accretion Onto Compact X-Ray Sources" (with L. L. Cowie and A. A. Stark), Astrophysical Journal, 226, 427-441 (1978).
79. "Halos of Spiral Galaxies: Photometry and Mass-to-Light Ratios" (with H. Spinrad, R. P. S. Stone, L. T. G. Chiu and C. Bruzual), Astrophysical Journal, 225. 56-66 (1978).
80. "The Mass and Light Distribution of the Galaxy: A Three-Component Model" (with J. A. R. Caldwell), in The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy, ed. W. B. Burton (D. Reidel: Dordrecht) pp. 441-450 (1979); IAU Symp. #84.
81. "The Correlation Between Luminosity and Separation in Binary Galaxy Systems: An Effect of Dynamical Friction?" (with E. L. Turner), Astrophysical Journal, 234, 785-792 (1979).