Research Papers, Astrophysics 1963-1969

1. "Radiation Transfer in a Finite Grey Atmosphere," Astrophysical Journal, 138, 281-290 (1963).
2. "The Equilibrium of Polytropic and Isothermal Cylinders," Astrophysical Journal, 140, 1056-1066 (1964).
3. "The Equilibrium of Self-Gravitating Rings," Astrophysical Journal, 140, 1067-1087 (1964).
4. "On the Oscillations and the Stability of a Homogeneous Compressible Cylinder," Astrophysical Journal, 140, 1529-1546 (1964).
5. "Cylindrical Emden and Associated Functions," Astrophysical Journal Supplement No. 98, 167-183 (1965).
6. "On the Periods of Pulsating Stars" (with D. O. Gough and R. S. Stobie), Astrophysical Journal, 142, 1649-1652 (1965).
7. "Equilibrium Models of Differentially Rotating Zero-Temperature Stars" (with P. Bodenheimer and D. Lynden-Bell), Physical Review Letters, 17, 816-818 (1966).
8. "Ultrashort-Period Stellar Oscillations. I. Results from White Dwarfs, Old Novae, Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae, 3C273, and Scorpius XR-1" (with G. M. Lawrence and J. E. Hesser), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 148, L161-L163 (1967).
9. "On the Stability of Differentially Rotating Bodies" (with D. Lynden-Bell), Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society, 136, 293-301 (1967).
10. "Time of Relaxation: (I) Unbounded Medium" (with A. F. Davidsen), Astrophysical Journal, 151, 679-686 (1968).
11. "Rapidly Rotating Stars. I. The Self-Consistent-Field Method" (with J. W.-K. Mark), Astrophysical Journal, 151, 1075-1088 (1968).
12. "Rapidly Rotating Stars. II. Massive White Dwarfs" (with P. Bodenheimer), Astrophysical Journal, 151, 1089-1098 (1968).
13. "Rapidly Rotating Stars. IV. Magnetic White Dwarfs" (with F. D. A. Hartwick), Astrophysical Journal, 153, 797-803 (1968).
14. "Possible Model for a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source," Nature, 217, 1227-1228 (1968).
15. "On the Oscillations and Stability of Rotating Stellar Models. I. Mathematical Techniques" (with J. L. Tassoul), Astrophysical Journal, 154, 613-626 (1968).
16. "Pulsation Periods of Rotating White Dwarf Models" (with J. L. Tassoul), Nature, 219, 577-579 (1968).
17. "Ultrashort-Period Stellar Oscillations. II. The Period and Light Curve of HZ 29" (with J. E. Hesser), Astrophysical Journal Letters, 153, L151-L156 (1968).
18. "On the Cooling of White Dwarfs" (with L. Axel), International Symposium on Low-Luminosity Stars (Charlottesville, Virginia, March, 1968) Low-Luminosity Stars (Gordon & Breach) pp. 357-363 (1969).
19. "On the Oscillations and Stability of Rotating Stellar Models. II. Rapidly Rotating White Dwarfs" (with J. L. Tassoul), Astrophysical Journal, 155, 987-997 (1969).
20. "Ultrashort-Period Stellar Oscillations. III. Power Spectrum Analysis of Photometric Observations of White Dwarfs" (with J. E. Hesser and G. M. Lawrence), Astrophysical Journal, 155, 919-933 (1969).
21. "Magnetic Dipole Radiation from Pulsars" (with J. E. Gunn), Nature, 221, 454-456 (1969).
22. "The Acceleration of High Energy Cosmic Rays by Pulsars" (with J. E. Gunn), Physical Review Letters, 22, 728-731 (1969).
23. "Do Pulsars Turn Off?" (with J. E. Gunn), Nature, 223, 813-814 (1969).